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Our Clients



Serving over 600 client organizations over 23 years, we have applied our skills to a broad range of industries, and all types of groups. Our satisfied clients include agriculture corporations and organizations, companies in the oil and gas sectors, petrochemical firms, wholesalers, retailers, financial institutions, government agencies, and professional services firms.



Andrukow Group Solutions Inc

BP Canada


Bayer Crop Science

Canada Pacific Rail

Canola Council

Canterra Seeds

Cargill Ltd.

Co-operators Insurance

Defence Construction Canada

Doctors Eyecare Network

Dow Agro Sciences

DuPont Animal Health




Fas Gas Oil Ltd.

Federated Co-operatives Ltd.

General Mills Canada Corp

Great West Life

Habitat for Humanity

Health Canada

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care

Kal Tire

Library & Archives Canada

Manitoba Hydro

Merial Canada

Meridian Industries


MTS Communications

Parkland Industries

Pfizer Animal Health

Province of Manitoba


RBC Dominion Securities

Shell Canada

Sioux Lookout First Nations

TD Canada Trust

Thompson Dorfman Sweatman, LLP

Transport Canada

Unisource Canada


Vale Inco



Workers Compensation Board

"Orlyn was very personal and kept my interest at all times. Thank you very much. The SB program has helped with my confidence, and enabled me to increase my sales significantly, as well as work through problems with more ease. Being able to read the customers for behaviors and tendencies has gone a long way to make me a more effective sales person. The knowledge of the buying/selling cycle has allowed me to be more assertive in day to day dealings with customers."
- Federated Co-operatives participant
"Orlyn is engaging, interesting, funny and personable, always held our interest. He is a great guy, really knows his stuff! He did an excellent job of getting us engaged. Great job! He is one of the best facilitators I've had!"
- Andrukow Group Solutions participant
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