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Communication/Information Management


Priority Influencing

How to build relationships for results

Master the skills to positively affect the outcome of all communications. Acquire leadership skills by learning to clearly read each situation, ask the right questions, listen well, understand the issues at a deeper level, and communicate with confidence.

Achieve your business and personal goals by honing your human interaction and leadership skills.

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Dynamic Communication - Conflict Management

Have you ever wondered why you just don’t “click” with some people?

Chances are, their behavior style is different than yours. They look at life differently, they think differently, consider different things important and are motivated by different factors. You can either withdraw from these people and argue or ignore them, or learn to understand the way they are, accept them and tap in to their strengths. The foundation of this interactive workshop is the DISC Personal Profile. This self scoring, computer generated behavioral assessment is a road map to interpersonal communications


Learning is augmented by role playing with team building, customer service and sales scenarios. You will be light years ahead of the competition with your new ability to understand others!

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Thinking Strategically

Thinking Strategically - Unlock your company's full potential!

Unlock the power of strategic thinking to drive your organization toward success. Our 2-day facilitator-guided process will help you define your company's mission, vision, values, and purpose. Through this strategic journey, you'll identify strategic goals and initiatives; it will ensure that your entire team is aligned with a clear and compelling direction, and you will gain insight into your team members' behavior styles for enhanced collaboration.

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