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Dynamic Communications

"Communication is not about speaking what we think;  Communication is about ensuring others hear what we mean" - Simon Sinek

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The Challenge:

Have you ever wondered why you just don’t “click” with some people? Chances are, their behavior style is different than yours. They look at life differently, they think differently, consider different things important and are motivated by different factors. You can either withdraw from these people and argue or ignore them, or learn to understand the way they are, accept them and tap in to their strengths.




The Opportunity:

Trust, co-operation, understanding and acceptance are the key attitudes to strengthening your organization and making it more productive and competitive. Understanding your behavior style and the styles of those you communicate with, will go a long way towards building your team, improving customer service and assisting you in sales and negotiating.  This material can have just as much impact on your personal life as well.



The Learning:

The foundation of this interactive workshop is the DISC Personal Profile. This self scoring, computer generated behavioral assessment is a road map to interpersonal communications - one that has been proven effective by over 20 million people. Participants will utilize the information in this session to:

  • Identify their own behavioral style

  • Capitalize on their strengths

  • Increase their appreciation for different behavioral styles

  • Anticipate and minimize potential conflicts with others

  • Learn how to adapt  their behavior for increased understanding and communication


Learning is augmented by role playing with team building, customer service and sales scenarios. You will be light years ahead of the competition with your new ability to understand others!



The Golden Rule: “treat others as you would have others treat you”

The Platinum Rule: “treat others as they wish to be treated”

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