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  • 2024 September Learning Link | psinc-1

    Current Workshop Schedule and Registration

  • Sales/Negotiating | psinc-1

    Sales & Negotiating Selling Breakthroughs Keep your customers satisfied to create lasting relationships The secret to making a successful sale is knowing what, why, how and when your audience wants to buy. Learn the processes and stages of both buyer and seller simultaneously to understand how to apply sales skills and behaviors that accurately match the buyer's state and motivations. Understand how to use your expertise confidently to positively influence outcomes and meet both the buyer's and your own requirements. A sale isn't over until your client knows that the solution to their business problem is you and your product or service. Explore> Behavioral Selling Skills Building Customer Relationships with Behavioral Styles The Challenge: Have you ever wondered why you just don’t “click” with some people? Chances are, their behavior style is different than yours. They look at life differently, they think differently, consider different things important and are motivated by different factors. You can either withdraw from these people and argue or ignore them, or learn to understand the way they are, accept them and sell to them on their wavelength! If you are not selling behaviorally, you are only 25-50% effective. Explore> Negotiating Breakthroughs Make all negotiations more satisfying and successful Through mutually successful negotiations, you can create lasting partnerships and measurable improvements. Use our negotiation-planning techniques to prepare strategies and tactics to achieve desired outcomes. Once you learn how to transform potential combatants into lasting partners, you will significantly increase your confidence when entering into any negotiation situation. Explore> Telephone Sales Telephone Sales Training Significantly contribute to your company's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process Learn how to make outbound sales calls more effective while building strong customer relationships for your company. Ensu re that inside sales people at your small- or medium-size business proactively plan, manage, and implement phone-sales campaigns that generate revenue and a create lasting, positive impression on your customers. Gain the skills to confidently demonstrate your product and service knowledge, enabling you to sell on value versus price. Learn how to proactively service your customer base, complete transactions that satisfy both your customer and your company, and handle resistance with aplomb, while nurturing relationships for repeat business. Explore> Key Account Management Create significant and interdependent supplier-customer partnerships Gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of servicing "key account" customers. Learn strategic and tactical skills and processes to effectively identify and anticipate their requirements. Become skilled at strategically managing key accounts, gaining supporters for your initiatives and influencing decision-makers, and ultimately evolving a customer/supplier relationships into a preferred sales or partnerships. Explore> Territory Management & Prospecting Become an indispensable intermediary between your company and customers Achieve optimal results from a portfolio of customers. Learn proven processes and skills to analyze, classify, and allocate appropriate time and resources to help you plan call cycles, account development and prospecting activities. In addition, gain in-depth knowledge in account management, planning, profiling, territory analysis, prospecting and influencing. Maximize customer relationships by taking personal responsibility for territory planning and activities. Increase selling opportunities by scheduling prospecting tasks, call frequency and call objectives. Explore> Presentation Breakthroughs Learn to deliver a powerful presentation with confidence and persuasion so participants are motivated to learn, change, and take action. In this 3-day highly interactive program, you will learn skills, strategies, and techniques that dramatically increase your effectiveness as a communicator and presenter in both face-to-face and in virtual environments. Anyone who gives presentations to small groups or large audiences would benefit.Management meetings, sales presentation, emloyee presentation, briefings, conferences, public speaking engagements. ​ More info Let's talk Sales Booster Get your regular sales booster shot to achieve and maintain optimum sales performance! Sales Booster… a program where bi-monthly, sales people tap in and receive their booster 'shot'. The core of this shot is a short, live, and interactive one-hour web-shop where our president long time sales person, sales trainer, and sales coach, will focus on a key aspect of selling effectiveness. Pre web-shop materials will be sent to each member to support the learning, and a post web-shop component will be integrated to ensure application of the learning. The result is that sales people get “boosted” on an ongoing basis maximizing their effectiveness, and sales managers have peace of mind that their sales people are tapped into an ongoing learning system that supports their whole sales effort. ​ ​ Let's talk! Staying Ahead of the Airplane Get ready to embark on a transformative journey where you will unlock your effectiveness and gain the necessary skills to stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced business world. Drawing inspiration from the aviation industry, our program is designed to equip you with essential tools and strategies for thriving in busy and distracting environments. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to learn from a soon to be IFR pilot and engage in communication, case studies, role-playing exercises, and stimulating group discussions. Let's talk

  • Registration | psinc-1

    Public Program Registration Register now Participant info... First name Last name Company Email Contact Phone Program info... Program Other program not listed above Payment info... Credit Card No. Expiry date MMYY Name on card Contact info... Contact Name if different than participant Phone Contact email if different than Participant above ​ Submit Registration Thank you for registering​ Your invoice and credit card receipt will be emailed to you upon processing your registration to email provided.

  • Working Smart + OneNote | psinc-1

    Working Sm@rt + OneNote

  • Assessments | psinc-1

    Assessments "Understood employees are empowered employees" ​ Our partner, TTI SI has been providing businesses throughout the globe with the finest assessment tools and talent analytics systems to hire, retain, develop and manage the best talent in the market. ​ TTI SI was the first assessment creator to guide a person from selection to on-board training to job-related development. If it’s happening in the workforce, we have an assessment or a suite of talent analytics to understand it and address it, including: selection development of talent engaging teams leadership development job benchmarking communication workshops developing emotional quotient building business acumen Whatever the human resource need, our assessments address it. Innovative Assessments : TTI assessments have easy-to-understand, engaging reports that clearly demonstrate the human potential of each assessment taker. If you’re wondering how to improve employee retention and motivation, using the insights revealed by assessments is where you need to start. ​ Research-Backed Tools: For 30 years, our in-house research team and independent validation have ensured that our assessments are the most reliable and accurate tools in the market. ​ Data That Goes Deep: Our tools use predictive analytics to provide custom data that helps our customers best understand themselves and their teams. This data also increases employee satisfaction with the feedback process. ​ Safe Tools for Hiring: Our assessment tools are safe and legal to use in the hiring process of your organization, due to our compliance under the Disparate Impact Rule. ​ ​ The D I S C Model uncovers insight into the “How” behind your “Why” It reveals the behavioral makeup that is unique to each individual. Taking and understanding a DISC assessment helps people: ​ Minimize unnecessary conflict Increase productivity and engagement Enhance communication Maximiz e their strengths Develop self-awareness Understand your team/customer so enhanced relationships which equals to increased bottom line. ​ Targeted areas - sales, customer service, team communications/dynamics, manager/employee relationships 12 Driving Forces is an assessment that measures "Why" a person does what they do It defines and identifies what motivates people. It m easures the motivation (and strength) behind behaviors, using 6 different motivators. ​ Those motivators are Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings, Others, Power, and Methodologies. These 6 motivators are each divided into two distinct ways of measuring each factor. Based on a continuum, these 12 drivers make up a person’s cluster of Driving Forces. ​ ​ The EQ A ssessment i s key to uncovering self-development & improvement , measuring emotional intelligence. Utilizing this assessment in your organization will help your team discover how to improve emotional intelligence and assist with: Personal and professional development Hiring and benchmarking Employee engagement Workplace communication and conflict The new demand for ‘soft skills’ ​ EQ is an emotional intelligence assessment that uses five factors to measure an individual’s emotional quotient (EQ). Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. D iscover t he TriMetrix® EQ The T riMetrix® EQ is designed to help individuals understand how th ey perceive the world, how they make decisions, and how these can all be applied towards job placement and success. The TriMetrix® EQ report is broken down into the following three areas: behaviors, emotional intelligence, and driving forces . The report examines the individuals strengths and weaknesses in these three areas which leads to both professional and personal growth. The TriMetrix® EQ is commonly used by educational institutions, educators, professionals, and human resources. ​

  • Dynamic Communication | psinc-1

    Dynamic Communications "Communication is not about speaking what we think; Communication is about ensuring others hear what we mean" - Simon Sinek The Challenge: ​ Have you ever wondered why you just don’t “click” with some people? Chances are, their behavior style is different than yours. They look at life differently, they think differently, consider different things important and are motivated by different factors. You can either withdraw from these people and argue or ignore them, or le arn to understand the way they are, accept them and tap in to their strengths. The Opportunity: ​ Trust, co-operation, understanding and acceptance are the key attitudes to strengthening your organization and making it more productive and competitive. Understanding your behavior style and the styles of those you communicate with, will go a long way towards building your team, improving customer service and assisting you in sales and negotiating. This material can have just as much impact on your personal life as well. The Learning: ​ The foundation of this interactive workshop is the DISC Personal Profile. This self scoring, computer generated behavioral assessment is a road map to interpersonal communications - one that has been proven effective by over 20 million people. Participants will utilize the information in this session to: Identify their own behavioral style Capitalize on their strengths Increase their appreciation for different behavioral styles Anticipate and minimize potential conflicts with others Learn how to adapt their behavior for increased understanding and communication Learning is augmented by role playing with team building, customer service and sales scenarios. You will be light years ahead of the competition with your new ability to understand others! ​ The Golden Rule: “treat others as you would have others treat you” The Platinum Rule: “treat others as they wish to be treated”

  • 2312 Video - 3 Ways to Better Connect | psinc-1

    December 2023 Learning Link 3 ways to better connect with your coworkers

  • Working Smart Using MS Project | psinc-1

    Working Sm@rt using MS Project

  • Working Sm@rt.... | psinc-1

    Working Sm@rt Method Working Sm@rt is a flexible and practical combination of behavior changing methods, best practice tools and process that can transform the way you work. With the Working Smart method, you will gain control over your day, find balance, reach your goals, and focus on the tasks that are important to you and your company. Easily applied and simply sustained, the Working Smart method can give lifelong benefits to individuals, teams, and entire organizations. WorkingSm@rt + Teams Effective teamwork, collaboration and communication At some point, every team feels a disconnect in collaboration and communication, but if it's a lot of the time, then you and your team n eed a road map to improve the process and get better results. Explore> WorkingSm@rt + Outlook Take control of your workload and competing priorities. Receive practical hands-on skills instruction to help you a bsorb proven techniques for a total time-m anagement solution. Integrate communications, tasks, activities, planning and apply the WorkingSm@rt® method using Microsoft Outlook. Explore> WorkingSm@rt + Meetings Get your meetings on time, on track, on purpose. Learn not only how to plan, organize and run a successful meeting but also how to get the most o ut of the meetings you are required to attend. Immediate benefits are: a 'business planning' approach to meetings, increased meeting effectiveness, saving time, improved meeting outcomes. Explore> Working Sm@rt OneNote Make collaborating with your team as easy as 1-2-3 The key to success lies in the ability for teams to work together without the constraint of being together. Whether the challenge is virtual, where geography is the issue or the reality of team schedules not lining up. Now it is possible to collaborate in a way that maximizes flexibility and minimizes the places you need to look to find key information or data. Explore> WorkingSm@rt as a Remote Leader Remote leadership essentials: keeping them engaged collaborative & productive Steps to contain the current world events may require many employees who normally work from an office to now work from home. This presents challenges to stay connected, engaged and productive. These challenges are magnified for people leading remote teams since they can no longer rely on many of their proven face-to-face leadership techniques. Explore> WorkingSm@rt in a Hybrid World Build the skills and mindsets to excel in a Hybrid World Organizations and workers were thrust into a transformational change that left both work and home environments in a state of chaos. The need to understand the impact of the shift from the traditional workplace to a hybrid world provides you with the opportunity to realign and navigate how we work.​ Traditional work/life balance strategies will need to shift to a more integrated lifestyle to support the hybrid working model. Explore> Working Sm@rt + MS Project Manage the complexities of multiple projects more efficiently and effectively Carry out multiple project execution plans developed through the Project Planning Breakthroughs method accurately and effectively with MS Project using common resource pools and external dependencies, along with detailed reporting and updating. Produce standard and customized reports, and develop a process for tracking and updating project plans. Explore> WorkingSm@rt + Outlook for MAC Take control of your Inbox and workload Receive practical hands-on skills instruction to help you absorb proven techniques for a total time-management solution. Integrate communications, tasks, activities, planning and apply the WorkingSm@rt® method using Outlook for Mac. Explore> WorkingSm@rt + Google Turn your intentions into actions and your actions into results Tame the Digital Deluge and increase your productivity. Receive hands-on skills instruction to help you absorb proven techniques for an effective time management solution that integrates communication, tasks, activities and planning. Explore> Working Sm@rt + iPhone & iPad Tame the digital deluge and increase your productivity Turn your intentions into actions and your actions into results. Receive hands-on skills instruction to help you absorb WorkingSm@rt® methods for a total time management solution that integrates communication, tasks, activities and planning. Explore> Working Sm@rt from Home Maximizing productivity in a remote working world Our World is changing. Success in a remote working environment requires individuals to use a shared set of communication, collaboration and planning processes and tools that are far more refined and defined than in a non-virtual workspace. Explore> Working Sm@rt as a Leader The art of leading an effective team. As organizations grow, one of the biggest challenges is effective leadership. Often people are moved into leadership positions as a result of superior performance in a non-supervisory role or because they possess the competencies and attributes of a leader or because of their academic expertise and/or experience. Either way, in order to excel as a performance result-oriented leader, new skill sets must be developed. Explore>

  • Pre-Employment Screening | psinc-1

    Pre-Employment Screening Does Pre-employment Screening Really Strengthen Your Workforce? ​ When you think of organizational growth, one of the first aspects that come to mind is likely hiring. After all, how can you grow your talent pipeline without new talent? How can you find the right fit for a role in the most efficient way? That’s where pre-employment screening comes in. Here’s what you need to know about the pre-employment screening process, including options available to your organization and how to find the insight you need. ​ What’s pre-employment screening? Pre-employment screening is the process of evaluating job candidates before hiring them. This process can include aptitude tests, skills testing, IQ tests, and behavioral assessments. ​ Let’s hone in our focus on behavioral assessments; the other types of testing mentioned can be tricky to navigate, but assessments are key for pre-employment screening regardless of industry. ​ ​ What pre-employment screening is available? At TTI Success Insights, our work revolves around five sciences: DISC (Behaviors) DISC focuses on behavior, or “how you do what you do.” DISC is a universal behavioral model that goes over four separate factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. It creates a language around observable behavior, and allows for insight into someone’s daily approach to communication and work for pre-employment screening. 12 Driving Forces (Motivators) 12 Driving Forces focuses on motivation, or “why you do what you do.” It measures the motivation (and strength) behind behaviors, using 6 different motivators. Discovering the motivation of candidates is key to successful pre-employment screening. Emotional Quotient (EQ, or Emotional Intelligence) Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. According to Forbes , a majority of employees believe in the importance of empathy in the workplace, but 92% feel empathy remains undervalued. By prioritizing emotional intelligence while building your talent pipeline, you will build your team out with candidates who have the soft skills that are increasingly important in the modern workplace. Competencies (DNA) The Competencies (DNA) assessment was created to manage and develop an individual’s career by identifying their top personal skills, based on how they score on 25 research-based skills required by any job. Competencies (DNA) is an excellent choice for pre-employment screening since it directly addresses the skills needed for a position. Acumen (ACI) The Acumen Capacity Index (ACI) report measures how a person thinks or processes information, based on a science called axiology. This assessment helps hiring managers to get a ‘big picture’ view of their potential hires. Now you know some of the assessments you can use for pre-employment screening, but you might be wondering what the benefits of using assessments in your hiring process look like. Testing Past the Usual When you look at behavior, motivation, and emotional intelligence, you unlock the true potential of individuals. It’s best to use a multi-science approach to get a more complete picture of your potential candidates. Utilizing pre-employment screening helps ensure an individual is a good cultural fit. If their personal Motivators are aligned with their role, they will be more likely to be fulfilled and engaged by their work, and that can make all the difference . Pre-employment screening can also help you to avoid a bad hire . Bad hires affect the structure, motivation, and overall success of an entire organization, but by using pre-employment assessments, you can ensure your organization thrives.

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