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  • About Us | psinc-1

    Orlyn Kostenuk President and Founder Phone: (403)304-7122 Email: A Bit About Me Orlyn is a partner in Performance Strategies. and founded the business in 1992. He has facilitated training programs for over 400 client organizations across Canada, the USA, Australia, and Mexico. Orlyn's dynamic style, sensitivity and unique sense of humour brings out the best in people. His work for enhancing organizational performance has been featured several times in both newspaper and television. Orlyn is community minded and is a strong supporter of the Chambers of Commerce, and Rotary International. He is married to Lori and they have four adult children, aged 22-27 Work Experience Let's Get Social

  • Customer Service Breakthroughs | psinc-1

    Customer Service Breakthroughs

  • 2310 The Impacts of AI in the Workplace | psinc-1

    The Impacts of AI in the Workplace: Why We Still Need People ​T he Impacts of AI in the Workplace: Why We Still Need People Date Published: Sep 27 2023 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force in the workplace, reshaping industries, automating tasks, and improving efficiency. While AI holds tremendous potential for businesses, it's essential to recognize that it is not a panacea. People and their high-level competencies remain integral to the success of organizations. In this article, we will explore the impacts of AI in the workplace and emphasize why human skills and expertise are irreplaceable.​ ​ ​ Enhanced Efficiency and Automation ​ AI's impact on the workplace is most notable in its ability to enhance efficiency and automate repetitive tasks. AI-driven algorithms can handle data analysis, process automation, and routine decision-making faster and more accurately than people. This leads to time and cost savings, allowing employees to focus on more complex and creative tasks. ​ ​ Complementing Human Decision-Making ​ While AI can process vast amounts of data and offer insights, it cannot replace our judgment and decision-making entirely. People bring emotional intelligence, ethical considerations, and contextual understanding to decision-making processes. AI systems lack the ability to assess the nuances and complexities of certain situations, making human intervention crucial. ​ Innovation and Creativity Creativity and innovation are quintessential traits that AI struggles to replicate. While AI can assist in generating ideas and conducting research, the ability to think outside the box, connect seemingly unrelated concepts, and envision groundbreaking solutions remains firmly out of reach. Innovative thinking drives product development, problem-solving, and the creation of new markets. ​ Complex Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking ​ High-level competencies such as complex problem-solving and critical thinking are hallmarks of human intelligence. These skills involve the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from various sources to make informed decisions. While AI can provide data-driven insights, people are essential for interpreting the data, applying it to real-world scenarios, and devising strategies. Ethical and Moral Decision-Making ​ AI algorithms are neutral and follow predefined rules. They do not possess moral or ethical principles. Judgment is crucial for making decisions that consider ethical implications, societal consequences, and values. Organizations need individuals who can navigate complex ethical dilemmas and make choices that align with their values and principles. ​ Communication and Collaboration ​ Effective communication and collaboration are essential for teamwork and building strong relationships with clients and colleagues. Employees are adept at understanding nuance, empathy, and active listening—all of which contribute to successful interpersonal interactions. AI can assist with communication tasks, but genuine connections rely on human interaction. ​ Adaptability and Learning ​ The workplace is dynamic, with evolving technologies and changing circumstances. We have the innate capacity to adapt, learn, and acquire new skills. High competencies include the ability to continually update one's knowledge and expertise, which is crucial in industries where technology and practices evolve rapidly. ​ Customer Service and Personalizatio n ​ In customer-facing roles, personalization and empathy play a vital role in providing exceptional service. AI-driven chatbots and automated systems can handle routine inquiries, but when it comes to understanding unique customer needs and providing a personal touch, people are irreplaceable. ​ ​ Why We Still Need People The impact of AI in the workplace is undeniable and beneficial in many respects. It streamlines operations, optimizes processes, and augments decision-making. However, it is essential to recognize that AI is a tool, not a substitute for human capabilities. People bring creativity, innovation, ethical judgment, adaptability, and high-level competencies to the table—qualities that are indispensable for the success and growth of organizations. To harness the full potential of AI, businesses should seek to create a harmonious synergy between AI technologies and human expertise. By acknowledging the complementary roles of AI and people, organizations can leverage both to achieve new heights of efficiency, innovation, and success in the evolving workplace of the future. ​ Priority Management is a worldwide training company with 55 offices in 15 countries. We have successfully trained more than two million graduates in Priority workshops. Our programs help companies and people be more effective and manage their workflow in and out of the office by providing tools, processes and discipline. Simply put - A Better Way To Work! Clients range from Fortune 500 companies, small-to-medium businesses and government/military employees. ​ Call Orlyn at (403)304-7122 to learn more about how we can help you and your team WorkSm@rt, develop essential management skills and the competencies to....make life and work better and happier! ​ ​ ​ ​ Priority Management International / Performance Strategies Inc - - (403)346-1919

  • Selling Breakthroughs | psinc-1

    Selling Breakthroughs

  • Behavioral Selling Skills | psinc-1

    Behavioral Selling Skills Building Customer Relationships with DISC Behavioral Styles ​ The Challenge: Have you ever wondered why you just don’t “click” with some people? Chances are, their behavior style is different than yours. They look at life differently, they think differently, consider different things important and are motivated by different factors. You can either withdraw from these people and argue or ignore them, or learn to understand the way they are, accept them and sell to them on their wavelength! If you are not selling behaviorally, you are only 25-50% effective. ​ The Opportunity: Trust, co-operation, understanding and acceptance are the key attitudes to strengthening your organization and making it more productive and competitive. Understanding your behavior style and the styles of those you communicate with, will go a long way towards building your team, improving customer service and assisting you in sales and negotiating. This material can have just as much impact on your personal life as well. ​ The Learning: Participants in this workshop will learn how to: Identify their own behavioral style Capitalize on their strengths Increase their appreciation for different behavioral styles Anticipate and minimize potential conflicts with others Learn how to adapt their behavior for increased understanding, communication, and sales ​ You will be light years ahead of the competition with your new ability to understand others! Program developed by Target Training International Ltd. The Golden Rule: “treat others as you would have others treat you” The Platinum Rule: “treat others as they wish to be treated”

  • Assessments | psinc-1

    Assessments "Understood employees are empowered employees." For 30 years, TTI SI has been providing businesses throughout the globe with the finest assessment tools and talent analytics systems to hire, retain, develop and manage the best talent in the market. TTI SI was the first assessment creator to guide a person from selection to on-board training to job-related development. If it’s happening in the workforce, we have an assessment or a suite of talent analytics to understand it and address it, including: selection development of talent engaging teams leadership development job benchmarking communication workshops developing emotional quotient building business acumen Whatever the human resource need, our assessments address it. Assessments Samples Our assessments measure the five dimensions that contribute to superior performance: Behaviors (DISC), Motivators, Acumen, Competencies and Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Behaviors Management-Staff Personal Motivation & Engagement Talent Insights Management-Staff Behaviors Team Report Motivators Team Report Emotional Quotient TriMetrix DNA Talent TriMetrix DNA Job TriMetrix DNA Gap Key Accountabilities - Suburban Head-of-School "You hire the whole person." Job Benchmarking Our job-benchmarking process enables organizations to assess a specific job — not the person — and the qualifications required for candidates to be successful. From there, our tailored process can be used in selection and development to create better overall job fit, buy-in and vastly improve retention. Job benchmarking identifies: Key accountabilities Skills for superior performance Candidates’ behavior and intrinsic motivators for achieving the key accountabilities for the job People Selection We believe superior performers are selected when the job is able to talk, and our selection process begins with an understanding of the intrinsic knowledge and key accountabilities needed to be successful in a specific job. To find the best talent, we recommend executing a streamlined process that measures an individual’s Behaviors (DISC), Motivators, soft skill competencies for the job in question. Using our assessments as part of a robust and diverse hiring process provides insight into: behaviors motivators competencies acumen When using our patented job-benchmarking process in selection, our best practices yield a 92% success rate and meet guidelines set by the EEOC and OFCCP. People Development Growth and advancement on the part of employees and the organization occurs when business strategies align to fuel a culture of innovation. Those organizations that foster a culture of continuous learning find that developing knowledge-seeking talent pays tremendous dividends in gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Companies that foster a talent-focused, continuous learning environment find that developing talent pays big dividends. And, when these strategies align with the values employees bring to the organization, an unmatched synergy is created. Our employee development tools help companies Develop job-related skills Enhance communication Improve employee engagement and productivity. Today, more than ever, leaders gain a competitive edge when they hire, retain and develop today’s high-potential employees into the superior performers they will need tomorrow.

  • 2310 Mastering the Art of Workload | psinc-1

    Mastering the Art of Workload Management and Prioritization ​Mastering the Art of Wo rkload Management and Prioritization ​ Date Published: October 2023 ​ In today's fast-paced world, managing workloads and priorities is a critical skill that can make or break personal and professional success. With seemingly endless to-do lists and competing demands, individuals and organizations must develop effective strategies to navigate this challenging landscape. The Overwhelming Challenge ​ The modern world bombards us with tasks, responsibilities, and distractions. Without a clear plan for managing workloads and priorities, it's easy to become overwhelmed, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress. To overcome this challenge, start with these fundamental principles: Clear Objectives: Define your goals and objectives clearly. Knowing what you're working towards is the first step in effective workload management. Task Identification: List all the tasks and responsibilities you need to address. This includes both professional and personal obligations. Assessing Urgency and Importance: Categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. The Eisenhower Matrix, which divides tasks into four quadrants (urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, neither urgent nor important), can be a valuable tool in this regard. ​ Prioritization: The Key to Success Prioritization is the cornerstone of workload management. By determining which tasks require immediate attention and which can wait, you can allocate your time and energy effectively. Here are some strategies for prioritization: The 80/20 Rule: Also known as the Pareto Principle, this suggests that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify the tasks that will have the most significant impact and focus on them first. Time Sensitivity: Consider deadlines and time sensitivity. Urgent tasks may require immediate attention, but don't forget to allocate time for important, long-term projects as well. Alignment with Goals: Prioritize tasks that align with your long-term goals and values. This ensures that your efforts contribute to your overall vision. Delegate: If possible, delegate tasks that others can handle effectively, freeing up your time for higher-priority activities. ​ Effective Time Management ​ Time management is a vital aspect of workload management and prioritization. Here are some strategies to make the most of your time: Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or categories of work. This helps maintain focus and prevents multitasking, which can reduce productivity. Set Realistic Goals: Be mindful of your limitations and set achievable goals. Overcommitting can lead to burnout and decreased effectiveness. Eliminate Distractions: Identify common distractions and take steps to minimize them. This may involve turning off notifications, setting specific work hours, or creating a dedicated workspace. Regular Breaks: Schedule short breaks during your work to recharge your mind and increase overall productivity. ​ Adaptability and Flexibility ​ While planning and prioritization are crucial, it's essential to remain adaptable and flexible in your approach to workload management. Unexpected challenges and opportunities will arise, and the ability to adjust your priorities on the fly is invaluable. Review and Adjust: Regularly review your tasks and priorities to ensure they align with your goals and current circumstances. Adjust as needed. Learn to Say No: Don't be afraid to decline new tasks or commitments if they do not align with your current priorities or if your workload is already at capacity. Seek Help and Support: Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or friends when needed. Sometimes, a fresh perspective or collaboration can help manage overwhelming workloads. Mastering the art of workload management and prioritization is essential for achieving personal and professional success. By setting clear objectives, effectively prioritizing tasks, managing your time wisely, and remaining adaptable, you can navigate the challenges of a busy life with confidence. Remember that it's not about doing more; it's about doing what matters most. With these strategies in your toolkit, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and reach your goals with greater ease. ​ Priority Management is a worldwide training company with 55 offices in 15 countries. We have successfully trained more than two million graduates in Priority workshops. Our programs help companies and people be more effective and manage their workflow in and out of the office by providing tools, processes and discipline. Simply put - A Better Way To Work! Clients range from Fortune 500 companies, small-to-medium businesses and government/military employees. ​ Call Orlyn at (403)304-7122 to learn more about how we can help you and your team WorkSm@rt, develop essential management skills and the competencies to....make life and work better and happier! ​ ​ Priority Management International / Performance Strategies Inc - - (403)346-1919

  • Negotiating Breakthroughs | psinc-1

    Negotiating Breakthroughs

  • Our Learning Partners | psinc-1

    Our Learning Partners Our partnerships with leading international providers of training services and products allows us to deliver world-class learning opportunities to your organization. We tailor our training programs to meet the need of your organization. We deliver comprehensive packages of training courses with your long term vision in mind. We uncover your goals, and then help you achieve them. Through our national and international affiliations, we deliver the power of world's best training services and products. Performance Strategies delivers learning solutions in partnership with several supplier organizations, including: We understand how successful people work Priority has been working with the world's most successful compa nies and individuals for 40 years, allowing us to develop a deep understanding of what works. ​ Our programs benefit from our best practice business process, proven to deliver results, and simple enough to implement at every level of your organization. ​ Anyone can enjoy the benefits of more time and reduced stress. ​ Solve Your Organization’s People Problems TTI Success Insights assessments create cohesion in the workplace, make performance management, employee evaluation, and employee development easy. Our research-backed, award-winning behavioral assessments for employees and leaders will bring the team insights your organization needs to thrive.

  • Workforce Management | psinc-1

    Workforce Management Never make another bad hire! Assessments provide clarity for job selection and benchmarking. Our TTISI Partnership - TTI Success Insights has perfected scientific behavioral research, and applies this research to workplace performance and motivation assessments and training. . Performance Strategies translates this scientific information into meaningful information about the strengths and learning opportunities within your organization, and the steps that your organization, and your people, should take to maximize success. What is the true cost of a bad hire? Never make another bad hire! Assessments provide clarity for job selection and benchmarking. ​ The cumulative effect of hiring the wrong candidate can be staggering. Not only can it be a financial b urden, but it can affect many different levels of the business. If more business owners, hiring managers, and talent professionals truly understood the cost of a bad hire, there’s no doubt that more time, effort, and resources would be used upfront to be sure the right person is hired for the right job. Using resources such as job benchmarks , assessments and the expertise of talent management professionals (such as consultants and executive business coaches) can be the difference between success and failure. Explore> Benchmarking Basics: Everything You Need to Know With the job market more employee-focused than ever, it's important to make sure every hire and position is filled with a quality candidate. ​ What is benchmarking? Benchmarking is the process of creating the profile of the ideal candidate for a position, and then measuring all candidates against that profile. It’s mo st commonly used in the interview process, but can also be used to measure an employee in their current role. Why should you benchmark? Enjoy higher employee engagement; avoid the cost of a bad hire; develop your talent pipeline Explore> Does Pre-Employment Screening Really Strengthen Your Workforce? How can you find the right fit for a role in the most efficient way? What is pre-employment screening? Pre-employment screening is the process of evaluating job candidates before hiring them. This process can include aptitude tests, skills testing, IQ tests, and behavioral assessments. What pre-employment screening is available? DISC (behaviors); 12 Driving Forces (motivators); Emotional Quotient (EQ or Emotional Intelligence); Competencies (DNA); Acumen Capacity Index (ACI) Explore>

  • Individual Development | psinc-1

    Individual Development "Personal development - the never ending chance to improve not only yourself but also to attract opportunities and affect others." - Jim Rohn Working Sm@rt + Outlook Take control of your workload and competing priorities. Receive practical hands-on skills instruction to help you a bsorb proven techniques for a total time-m anagement solution. Integrate communications, tasks, activities, planning and apply the WorkingSm@rt® method using Microsoft Outlook. Explore> WorkingSm@rt + OneNote Make collaborating with your team as easy as 1-2-3 The key to success lies in the ability for teams to work together without the constraint of being together. Whether the challenge is virtual, where geography is the issue or the reality of team schedules not lining up. Now it is possible to collaborate in a way that maximizes flexibility and minimizes the places you need to look to find key information or data. Explore> Working Smart + Teams Effective teamwork, collaboration and communication At some point, every team feels a disconnect in collaboration and communication, but if it's a lot of the time, then you and your team n eed a road map to improve the process and get better results. Explore> Selling Breakthroughs Keep your customers satisfied to create lasting relationships The secret to making a successful sale is knowing what, why, how and when your audience wants to buy. Learn the processes and stages of both buyer and seller simultaneously to understand how to apply sales skills and behaviors that accurately match the buyer's state and motivations. Understand how to use your expertise confidently to positively influence outcomes and meet both the buyer's and your own requirements. A sale isn't over until your client knows that the solution to their business problem is you and your product or service. Explore> Project Planning Breakthroughs A proven process that can be immediately understood and implemented by your whole team Regardless of the diversity among people, locations, departments, or disciplines involved, this program provides a streamlined overview of the basics, while focusing on a vastly improved methodology to meet the rigorous challenges of developing a project execution plan. Explore> WorkingSm@rt from Home Maximizing productivity in a remote working world Our World is changing. Success in a remote working environment requires individuals to use a shared set of communication, collaboration and planning processes and tools that are far more refined and defined than in a non-virtual workspace. Explore>

  • Working Smart as a Remote Leader | psinc-1

    Working Sm@rt as a Remote Leader

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