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  • Benchmark Basics: Everything You Need | psinc-1

    Basic Benchmarking: Everything You Need to Know With the job market more employee-focused than ever, it's important to make sure every hire and position is filled with a quality candidate. What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking is the process of creating the profile of the ideal candidate for a position, and then measuring all candidates against that profile. It’s most commonly used in the interview process, but can also be used to measure an employee in their current role. ​ How Do You Create and Use a Benchmark? The ideal candidate means a lot of different things to different people. This diversity of thought is a good thing, until it becomes a hindrance to the hiring process. Get the multiple perspectives you need while saving time by putting together a team of Subject Matter Experts, or SMEs. While a panel of SMEs is not necessary, it is a best practice. It can include employees who previously held the role, the candidate’s future direct report, and/or their future co-workers. “Working in a collaborative environment with multiple stakeholders gets you a variety of opinions and removes internal biases and personal agendas.” The SMEs each build out the results of an assessment as if they were their ideal candidate. Then, an average is found from each of those ‘ideal’ profiles. This average is your benchmark! After the benchmark is created, introduce it several steps into your interview process, after the initial rounds of reviews. Most organizations only use a benchmark with their top 3-5 candidates. This way, the normal screening process isn’t disrupted; it just gives deeper insight into each candidate, and a professional way to measure that insight at the end of the process. ​ What Makes TTI SI Different? TTI SI has a patented Benchmarking Process that leverages data to make the best decisions about candidates. In addition, as an outcome of the process, roles have concisely defined responsibilities. Our benchmarking process defines the role instead of the individual. “The beautiful thing about benchmarking is that it’s not focusing ultimately on qualifying or disqualifying a candidate,” said Merkle. “It’s about discovering what the business needs. It removes bias and relies on logic.” ​ Isn’t This a Biased Process? If you’re not familiar with the concept, it might sound like benchmarking is a way to discriminate in the hiring process. It’s actually the opposite; benchmarking a job minimizes bias and provi des a clear objective and collective voice to what behaviors, motivators and skills the job needs. “People have a tendency to like and relate to others similar to them,” explained Merkle, “But similarities might not be what the position needs. These benchmarks can be used for as much as 30% of the hiring decision, but the other 70% should be made based on resume, experience, skills, validation of those skills, and personal fit.” Clear up any uncertainty by building a scoring method into the interview process. It can look like the following: Resume: Determine the minimal qualifications for position Interview: Hold several rounds of interviews on the phone, and one or two in-person as your company sees fit Shared work: Analyze shared work from the candidates This can be samples of writing, completion of a project, etc) Benchmark: Measure top candidates against the benchmark and make a decision after final round of interviews “Benchmarking is a tool to hone in on top candidates, not a blanket dismissal of talent.” Something important to remember is that you don’t have to pick the ca ndidate with the closer score to the benchmark! By using the process, you get to make a conscious decision about the individual you are choosing to join your organization. “Organizations do not miss out on a good candidate because they don’t fit the benchmark,” Merkle said, “Even if you hire against the benchmark, you now have valuable insight into your hire about their behavior that you can use in their onboarding period and beyond. You know what they say; you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” By using this process, you get to make a conscious decision about the individual you’re choosing to join your organization. Why Should You Benc hmark? The benefits to benchmarking are clear! Here’s what happens when you find the right fit for a position, backed up by data. ​ Enjoy Higher Employee Engagement If someone’s behavioral style, motivations, and skills are matched up to a position, they’ll have a higher level of engagement with their team. This engagement increases satisfaction, productivity , and profits. Customer retention rates are 18% higher when you have well-informed and highly engaged employees, according to Smarp . ​ Avoid The Cost of a Bad Hire Just trying to ‘fill a seat’ in your organization is a huge mistake. 80% of turnover is due to bad hires, according to SHRM. Calculate the real cost of hiring the wrong person here, and see if you can afford it! ​ Develop Your Talent Pipeline Benchmarking isn’t just for job candidates! If you’re not hiring soon, you can still use benchmarking to create development plans internally. Developing leaders within your organization will boost productivity and engagement while saving you money, time and resources. Some people want to use benchmarking as a justification for terminating a position. You’re better off using benchmarking as a way to get a snapshot on where to develop an employee. Remember, only 30% of your decisions can be determined by benchmarking. Don’t open yourself up to trouble. How Do I Get Started? If you want to start harnessing the power of benchmarking for your company, TTI SI is he re to help. Contact us here to learn more about how you can utilize this process. “We know leaders, especially during this time, have a challenging role,” said Merkle. “Benchmarking gives you a deeper level of insight before your candidate even walks through the door.” ​ Ready to thrive? We wrote the guide on using assessments and development. Get your free copy here >

  • 2310 Adaptive Leadership | psinc-1

    Adaptive Leadership: Navigating Uncertainty in Modern Business Adaptive Leadership: Navigating Uncertainty in Modern Business​ ​ Date Published: October, 2023 ​ In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, the role of leadership has evolved into a complex and dynamic endeavour. Gone are the days when leadership was solely about setting a course and sticking to it. In the 21st century, adaptive leadership has emerged as a critical skill for navigating uncertainty and driving success. In this article, we'll explore the art of adaptive leadership and how it can transform your business. The Changing Face of Leadership Traditionally, leadership was often associated with hierarchy, authority, and a rigid top-down approach. However, the modern business world is marked by volatility, ambiguity, and complexity. In this environment, leaders must be agile, flexible, and open to change. Adaptive leadership acknowledges that the answers to today's challenges are not always found in a playbook but rather through continuous learning and adaptation. ​ ​ Key Principles of Adaptive Leadership Embrace Uncertainty: In a world where change is the only constant, adaptive leaders thrive by acknowledging that they don't have all the answers. They embrace uncertainty and see it as an opportunity for growth and innovation. Learn Continuously: Adaptive leaders are lifelong learners. They actively seek new knowledge, perspectives, and feedback. They are open to self-improvement and encourage their teams to do the same. Empower Teams: Instead of micromanaging, adaptive leaders empower their teams to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This fosters creativity and a sense of ownership, leading to better outcomes. Build Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Adaptive leaders build resilience in themselves and their teams, helping them weather the storms of change and adversity. Communicate Effectively: Adaptive leaders excel in communication. They keep their teams informed, listen actively, and foster an environment where ideas can flow freely. Clear and transparent communication is essential during times of uncertainty. Adaptation in Action Let's take a look at how adaptive leadership can manifest in real-world scenarios: Scenario 1: Pivoting During a Crisis Imagine a small restaurant facing financial difficulties due to a sudden drop in customers during a crisis. An adaptive leader might quickly assess the situation, consult with the team, and pivot the business model. They could implement takeout and delivery options, reconfigure the menu to suit changing consumer preferences, and find innovative ways to connect with the community, all while maintaining a positive and motivated team. Scenario 2: Navigating Market Disruption In a rapidly changing industry, an adaptive leader doesn't stick to the same old strategies. Instead, they continuously monitor market trends, seek feedback from customers and employees, and adjust their business approach accordingly. They might invest in new technologies, explore new markets, or adapt their product offerings to stay competitive. ​ The Benefits of Adaptive Leadership Adaptive leadership offers numerous benefits to businesses in today's dynamic world: Enhanced Agility: Adaptive leaders can respond quickly to market shifts, making their organizations more agile and competitive. Improved Innovation: By encouraging a culture of learning and experimentation, adaptive leaders drive innovation and creativity within their teams. Increased Resilience: Businesses led by adaptive leaders are better equipped to withstand crises and recover swiftly. Talent Attraction and Retention: Talented individuals are drawn to organizations with adaptive leadership, as they see opportunities for growth and development. ​ Cultivating Adaptive Leadership Adaptive leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires a combination of self-awareness, empathy, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate adaptive leadership within your organization: Invest in Leadership Development: Offer training and development programs that focus on adaptive leadership skills for both current and emerging leaders. Promote a Learning Culture: Encourage a culture of continuous learning, where employees are empowered to seek knowledge and embrace change. Lead by Example: Leaders should embody the principles of adaptive leadership, serving as role models for their teams. Foster Collaboration: Create opportunities for cross-functional collaboration, which can lead to new perspectives and innovative solutions. Celebrate Adaptation: Recognize and celebrate instances where adaptation and learning have led to positive outcomes. ​ In conclusion, adaptive leadership is not just a buzzword; it's a fundamental approach to thriving in today's unpredictable business environment. By embracing uncertainty, fostering continuous learning , and empowering your teams, you can steer your organization toward success in an ever-changing world. In the art of adaptive leadership, you'll discover the power of resilience, innovation, and growth, propelling your business toward a brighter future. ​ Priority Management is a worldwide training company with 55 offices in 15 countries. We have successfully trained more than two million graduates in Priority workshops. Our programs help companies and people be more effective and manage their workflow in and out of the office by providing tools, processes and discipline. Simply put - A Better Way To Work! Clients range from Fortune 500 companies, small-to-medium businesses and gov ernment/military employees. ​ Call Orlyn at (403)304-7122 to learn more about how we can help you and your team Work sm@rt, develop essential management skills and the competencies to....make life and work better and happier! ​ ​ Priority Management International / Performance Strategies Inc - - (403)346-1919

  • Schedule | psinc-1

    Public Workshop Schedule Working Smart + Outlook Take Control of your workload and competing priorities December 14 + 15, 2023 Webshop - 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM MT January 15 + 16, 2024 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET February 5 + 6, 2024 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ Program Fee: $895 + GST Register Now Working Smart + OneNote Make collaborating with your team as easy as 1-2-3 December 7 + 8, 2023 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ January 25 + 26, 2024 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ February 22 + 23, 2024 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ Program Fee: $895.00 + GST Register Now Working Smart + MS Teams Effective teamwork, collaboration and communication D ecember 11 + 12, 2023 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ January 18 + 19, 2024 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ February 12 + 13, 2024 Webshop - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET ​ Program Fee: $895 + GST ​ Register Now ​ Public and Private Workshops Offerings: We offer the above online public webshops regularly, and the in-person workshops as needed. We also offer dedicated team training for groups of 8 to 20 participants, available on-site or online. Please contact us to discuss group training details and rates. Cancellation Policy for Public Workshops: ​ Terms & Conditions for Public Workshop Registrations Cancellations and reschedules are accepted up to (7) working days before the workshop. The full fee is payable for any cancellations or reschedules received less than (7) working days prior to the scheduled workshop and 50% of the course fee will be charged to reserve your subsequent seat. Substitutions are accepted at any time. Priority Management reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any seminar. In the event of a schedule change, registrants will be notified at least (7) working days prior to the start date.

  • Working Smart + Teams | psinc-1

    Working Sm@rt + Teams

  • Priority Manager Supplies Online Shop | psinc-1

    Priority Manager Supplies Online Shop Telephone Ordering - Customer Service 1-800-437-1032

  • What is the True Cost of a Bad Hire | psinc-1

    What is the true cost of a bad hire? Companies that succeed and attract the best talent know the importance of hiring the right candidate the first time. What sets certain companies apart from others when it comes to hiring? And what makes certain companies put much more time and effort into the hiring process? It starts with understanding the real cost of a bad hire. The cumulative effect of hiring the wrong candidate can be staggering. Not only can it be a financial burden, but it can affect many different levels of the business. For many business owners, the thing that keeps them up at night is the ability to hire and retain the right people. ​ What Leads to a Bad Hire? Not investing enough time in the hiring process is a leading reason for hiring the wrong people. Who isn’t in a hurry these days? With time continuing to be the world’s most valuable commodity, people have more things to do than time to do those things. So what happens? ​ We start to rush, become impatient, act reactively instead of proactively, and start making careless mistakes. Sometimes checking the box becomes the priority, and when that happens, the real problems begin. Companies that just “check the box” when it comes to hiring are likely going to have recurring problems until they realize the importance of putting the proper time, effort, and planning into hiring the right people. ​ Sometimes a candidate might appear great on the resume and in the interview but turns out to be quite different once hired. Any number of factors can come into play, and the less that’s left to chance, the better. A few reasons employees may not live up to job requirements and company expectations include: They lack the necessary hard skills and soft skills to perform well They don’t have the proper resources required to do their job They aren’t motivated and the duties are not in their self-interests Companies that employ solid hiring practices are usually able to identify these potential obstacles upfront, ensuring that candidates that fall into one of these three categories are not brought through to the hiring phase. ​ The Cost of a Bad Hire ​ All sorts of stats exist on the true cost of making a bad hire. According to research from SHRM , employee replacement can cost a company between six and nine months of the departed employee’s salary. If this number is remotely accurate, the importance of hiring right the first time is not a luxury, it’s a necessity! ​ Besides the quantifiable salary-related statistics, others costs pertaining to a bad hire are not always seen on a business's annual profit and loss report. In many ways, these effects are not entirely tangible. Bad hires affect companies financially, structurally, and motivationally. Think of the time spent sifting through resumes, interviewing potential hires, and training new team members. To understand the cost of a bad hire, businesses must think of the big picture. ​ It costs time and money to find a decent candidate, bring them in for an interview, perform background checks, and onboard them. This process often pulls managers from daily duties, resulting in fewer hours remaining to accomplish other tasks. Once the candidate is on board, more managerial hours are spent training the employee on all the aspects associated with learning the job. ​ Then there’s the trickle-down effect; a problem much bigger than the failure of a single employee. After spending money and resources to fast-track an employee, the employee starts to fail. The employee comes into work disengaged and unmotivated , pulling down other coworkers, diminishing overall company morale. If this employee is customer-facing and projects their negative attitude outward, the company runs the risk of losing loyal customers who decide to take their business elsewhere. ​ At some point, the company realizes the employee is not a fit and decides to cut the cord. The entire selection process must start over again to re-fill the position. This could all have been avoided with stronger hiring practices. ​ Want to better understand the cost of a bad hire? ​ ​ Conclusion ​ The cost of a bad hire is higher than most people may realize and the repercussions can linger long after the employee leaves the company. Since hiring the right person the first time is the goal, how can a company improve its chances of successfully doing this? ​ If more business owners, hiring managers, and talent professionals truly understood the cost of a bad hire, there’s no doubt that more time, effort, and resources would be used upfront to be sure the right person is hired for the right job. Using resources such as job benchmarks , assessments and the expertise of talent management professionals (such as consultants and executive business coaches) can be the difference between success and failure. Calculate the cost here>

  • Project Fundamentals | psinc-1

    MS Project Fundamentals

  • Project Management | psinc-1

    Project Management Project Planning Breakthroughs A proven process that can be immediately understood and implemented by your whole team Regardless of the diversity among people, locations, departments, or disciplines involved, this program provides a streamlined overview of the basics, while focusing on a vastly improved methodology to meet the rigorous challenges of developing a project execution plan. Explore> MicroSoft Outlook 4 Projects Manage both operational and project work in one place Receive practical hands-on skills instruction to help you absorb and apply proven techniques for tracking and managing projects using your Microsoft Outlook. ​ This program is ideal for small to medium sized projects where only basic reporting is required. Basic project management experiences is helpful however, not necessary. Explore> Working Sm@rt + MS Project Manage the complexities of multiple projects more efficiently and effectively Carry out multiple project execution plans developed through the Project Planning Breakthroughs method accurately and effectively with MS Project using common resource pools and external dependencies, along with detailed reporting and updating. Produce standard and customized reports, and develop a process for tracking and updating project plans. Explore> MS Project Fundamentals Execute your projects on-time and on-budget This programme will enable participants to avoid common pitfalls and become competent users of Microsoft Project. By the end of this training, users should be very comfortable with using the programme, and able to create and manage a reasonably complex project. Explore>

  • Customer Service | psinc-1

    Customer Service Customer Service Breakthroughs Increase customer satisfaction to create long-term fans and advocates Learn how to effectively meet customer service objectives, exceed customer expectations, and achieve high levels of customer satisfaction. Since each and every contact with a customer is a "moment of truth" for your company, understand your pivotal role in achieving your organization's financial and marketing objectives. Master the skills to treat customers on the basis of their "lifetime value", strengthening relationships and meeting and exceeding standards and expectations. Enable two-way communication to avoid misunderstandings, minimize problems, and collaboratively work out mutually-beneficial solutions. Explore> Telephone Response Master this vital link between customer satisfaction and sales. Prepare yourself with the right response using a proven process that assures customer satisfaction and a positive outcome. Learn to strengthen customer relationships by creating a plan for effectively handling every call, whether a request for information, a question, or a complaint. Gain skills that enable you to answer and respond with confidence, and capitalize on opportunities to up-sell and cross-sell. And learn how to gather valuable feedback and collect market intelligence to enable you to anticipate customer needs and exceed expectations. Explore> Selling Breakthroughs Keep your customers satisfied to create lasting relationships The secret to making a successful sale is knowing what, why, how and when your audience wants to buy. Learn the processes and stages of both buyer and seller simultaneously to understand how to apply sales skills and behaviors that accurately match the buyer's state and motivations. Understand how to use your expertise confidently to positively influence outcomes and meet both the buyer's and your own requirements. A sale isn't over until your client knows that the solution to their business problem is you and your product or service. Explore>

  • Sales/Negotiating | psinc-1

    Sales & Negotiating Selling Breakthroughs Keep your customers satisfied to create lasting relationships The secret to making a successful sale is knowing what, why, how and when your audience wants to buy. Learn the processes and stages of both buyer and seller simultaneously to understand how to apply sales skills and behaviors that accurately match the buyer's state and motivations. Understand how to use your expertise confidently to positively influence outcomes and meet both the buyer's and your own requirements. A sale isn't over until your client knows that the solution to their business problem is you and your product or service. Explore> Behavioral Selling Skills Building Customer Relationships with Behavioral Styles The Challenge: Have you ever wondered why you just don’t “click” with some people? Chances are, their behavior style is different than yours. They look at life differently, they think differently, consider different things important and are motivated by different factors. You can either withdraw from these people and argue or ignore them, or learn to understand the way they are, accept them and sell to them on their wavelength! If you are not selling behaviorally, you are only 25-50% effective. Explore> Negotiating Breakthroughs Make all negotiations more satisfying and successful Through mutually successful negotiations, you can create lasting partnerships and measurable improvements. Use our negotiation-planning techniques to prepare strategies and tactics to achieve desired outcomes. Once you learn how to transform potential combatants into lasting partners, you will significantly increase your confidence when entering into any negotiation situation. Explore> Telephone Sales Telephone Sales Training Significantly contribute to your company's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process Learn how to make outbound sales calls more effective while building strong customer relationships for your company. Ensu re that inside sales people at your small- or medium-size business proactively plan, manage, and implement phone-sales campaigns that generate revenue and a create lasting, positive impression on your customers. Gain the skills to confidently demonstrate your product and service knowledge, enabling you to sell on value versus price. Learn how to proactively service your customer base, complete transactions that satisfy both your customer and your company, and handle resistance with aplomb, while nurturing relationships for repeat business. Explore> Key Account Management Create significant and interdependent supplier-customer partnerships Gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of servicing "key account" customers. Learn strategic and tactical skills and processes to effectively identify and anticipate their requirements. Become skilled at strategically managing key accounts, gaining supporters for your initiatives and influencing decision-makers, and ultimately evolving a customer/supplier relationships into a preferred sales or partnerships. Explore> Territory Management & Prospecting Become an indispensable intermediary between your company and customers Achieve optimal results from a portfolio of customers. Learn proven processes and skills to analyze, classify, and allocate appropriate time and resources to help you plan call cycles, account development and prospecting activities. In addition, gain in-depth knowledge in account management, planning, profiling, territory analysis, prospecting and influencing. Maximize customer relationships by taking personal responsibility for territory planning and activities. Increase selling opportunities by scheduling prospecting tasks, call frequency and call objectives. Explore> Presentation Breakthroughs Learn to deliver a powerful presentation with confidence and persuasion so participants are motivated to learn, change, and take action. In this 3-day highly interactive program, you will learn skills, strategies, and techniques that dramatically increase your effectiveness as a communicator and presenter in both face-to-face and in virtual environments. Anyone who gives presentations to small groups or large audiences would benefit.Management meetings, sales presentation, emloyee presentation, briefings, conferences, public speaking engagements. ​ More info Let's talk Sales Booster Get your regular sales booster shot to achieve and maintain optimum sales performance! Sales Booster… a program where bi-monthly, sales people tap in and receive their booster 'shot'. The core of this shot is a short, live, and interactive one-hour web-shop where our president long time sales person, sales trainer, and sales coach, will focus on a key aspect of selling effectiveness. Pre web-shop materials will be sent to each member to support the learning, and a post web-shop component will be integrated to ensure application of the learning. The result is that sales people get “boosted” on an ongoing basis maximizing their effectiveness, and sales managers have peace of mind that their sales people are tapped into an ongoing learning system that supports their whole sales effort. ​ ​ Let's talk! Staying Ahead of the Airplane Get ready to embark on a transformative journey where you will unlock your effectiveness and gain the necessary skills to stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced business world. Drawing inspiration from the aviation industry, our program is designed to equip you with essential tools and strategies for thriving in busy and distracting environments. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to learn from a soon to be IFR pilot and engage in communication, case studies, role-playing exercises, and stimulating group discussions. Let's talk

  • Registration | psinc-1

    Public Program Registration Register now Participant info... First name Last name Company Email Contact Phone Program info... Program Other program not listed above Payment info... Credit Card No. Expiry date MMYY Name on card Contact info... Contact Name if different than participant Phone Contact email if different than Participant above ​ Submit Registration Thank you for registering​ Your invoice and credit card receipt will be emailed to you upon processing your registration to email provided.

  • Working Smart + OneNote | psinc-1

    Working Sm@rt + OneNote

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