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Thinking Strategically

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."

- John Quincy Adams


Thinking Strategically: Unlock Your Company’s Full Potential
2-Day Strategic Planning Workshop

Unlock the power of strategic thinking to drive your organization toward success. Our 2-day facilitator-guided process will help you define your company's mission, vision, values, and purpose. Through this strategic journey, you'll identify strategic goals and initiatives; it will ensure that your entire team is aligned with a clear and compelling direction, and you will gain insight into your team members' behavior styles for enhanced collaboration.

Why Choose Thinking Strategically?

  • Crystal Clear Direction: Define your company's mission, vision, values, and purpose to steer every decision and action.

  • Total Alignment: Ensure your team is united, moving in sync toward a common goal.

  • Agile Strategy: Embrace change with a strategic mindset that combines focus and flexibility.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Conduct a thorough gap analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • Effective Communication: Understand the unique behavior styles of your team members to foster better collaboration.

  • Strategic Prioritization: Establish strategic priorities, identify tactics, and assign specific tasks with clear timelines.

  • Accountability: Clearly outline who is responsible for what and by when.

What to Expect?

Day 1: Define Your Foundation

  • Mission, Vision, Values, and Purpose: Craft a strong foundation for your company.

  • SWOT Analysis: Pinpoint strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • Behavior Style Insights: Understand your team members' behavior styles for improved communication and collaboration.

Day 2: Strategic Planning Workshop

  • Clear Goals: Set precise strategic goals.

  • Tactics & Initiatives: Identify actionable steps and initiatives to achieve these goals.

  • Task Assignment: Determine who is responsible for each task and set deadlines.

Post-Workshop: Strategic Plan Development

  • We'll compile the insights from the workshop into a formal strategic planning document.

Stakeholder Review & Finalization

  • The strategic planning document will be presented to stakeholders for their input and review.

  • Any required changes will be incorporated, ensuring the strategic plan is aligned with the organization's vision.

Our Expert Facilitator

Orlyn Kostenuk, well-versed in strategic planning and a certified behavior analyst with a solid background in agriculture will be your facilitator. He’ll guide you through the process, enabling you to tap into your company's full potential and foster enhanced teamwork.

Unlock Success Today

Invest in the power of Thinking Strategically, understand your team members' behavior styles, and propel your company to new heights. With a clear mission, vision, and a well-defined strategic plan, you can navigate change, grow, and succeed with agility.

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