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Workforce Management

Never make another bad hire! Assessments provide clarity for job selection and benchmarking. 

Our TTISI Partnership - TTI Success Insights has perfected scientific behavioral research, and applies this research to workplace performance and motivation assessments and training.


Performance Strategies translates this scientific information into meaningful information about the strengths and learning opportunities within your organization, and the steps that your organization, and your people, should take to maximize success.

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What is the true cost of a bad hire?

Never make another bad hire! Assessments provide clarity for job selection and benchmarking.

The cumulative effect of hiring the wrong candidate can be staggering. Not only can it be a financial burden, but it can affect many different levels of the business. 

If more business owners, hiring managers, and talent professionals truly understood the cost of a bad hire, there’s no doubt that more time, effort, and resources would be used upfront to be sure the right person is hired for the right job. Using resources such as job benchmarks, assessments and the expertise of talent management professionals (such as consultants and executive business coaches) can be the difference between success and failure.

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Benchmarking Basics: Everything You Need to Know

With the job market more employee-focused than ever, it's important to make sure every hire and position is filled with a quality candidate.

What is benchmarking? Benchmarking is the process of creating the profile of the ideal candidate for a position, and then measuring all candidates against that profile. It’s most commonly used in the interview process, but can also be used to measure an employee in their current role.


Why should you benchmark? Enjoy higher employee engagement; avoid the cost of a bad hire; develop your talent pipeline


Does Pre-Employment Screening Really Strengthen Your Workforce?

How can you find the right fit for a role in the most efficient way?


What is pre-employment screening?

Pre-employment screening is the process of evaluating job candidates before hiring them. This process can include aptitude tests, skills testing, IQ tests, and behavioral assessments.


What pre-employment screening is available? DISC (behaviors); 12 Driving Forces (motivators); Emotional Quotient (EQ or Emotional Intelligence); Competencies (DNA); Acumen Capacity Index (ACI)

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